Monday, June 1, 2020
Sunday, May 31, 2020
originally posted- Saturday April 2, 2016...I accidentally deleted all posts 5/31/20) [[ new comments welcomed ]]
Saturday, April 2, 2016
In the latest episode of SHAMELESS [U.S.] (season 6 episode 11), Lip' and the Professor get heated over wave theory...
While watching the latest U.S. episode of SHAMELESS, a twisted modern day dysfunctional family series in it's 6th season, the family anomaly Philip, or 'Lip as he goes by, got into it with his physics professor about wave theory. Lip had been teaching the class for his consistently drunk professor, as his teacher's assistant. In this particular scene the teacher managed to show up and began writing on the blackboard and narrating:
The Klein -Gordon Equation
The Dirac Equation
and the Free Field Einstein Equation
Lip enters the class and condescendingly interrupts, as he and the prof had an unsettled personal rift earlier that morning,
" [I]Orr...we could use the Scale Relativity Theory to explain the origin of how wave functions are generated.[/I]"
After a long uncomfortable pause the prof says,
"That's an option of course"
Lip quickly interrupts, " Yeah, uh' that's the standard. People stopped using field theory for this shit back in the 90's...which is a..'bout when you started pickling your frontal cortex with scotch."
Prof thinks for a moment and says, " Both ways of reconciling wave functions are perfectly valid"
Lip, " Nope. Uh I mean not any know you should read up on it." Lip smirks and puts cigarette in his mouth, " Maybe you'll learn something."
The Professor takes Lip to the hall and they argue hardcore like they did last episode, but they made up with each other last time. This time it looks like it could be the end of this turbulent relationship of student and teacher. Wait' didn't Lip just come out of another turbulent relationship with his anthropology professor...
Well we all know that the characters of Shameless are difficult to analyze, but perhaps we can attempt to see if the Professor is right or is Lip right, or are they both right. And also, can we see from our findings if this can somehow benefit my/the ( the narcissist in me,sorry) all new musical instrument science of MEMMIS ( Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Musical-Instrument-Systems).
First of all today I feel like a character from Shameless. Going on little sleep and so this robs my brain power. I shall continue this later, but do feel free to comment away:-)
While watching the latest U.S. episode of SHAMELESS, a twisted modern day dysfunctional family series in it's 6th season, the family anomaly Philip, or 'Lip as he goes by, got into it with his physics professor about wave theory. Lip had been teaching the class for his consistently drunk professor, as his teacher's assistant. In this particular scene the teacher managed to show up and began writing on the blackboard and narrating:
The Klein -Gordon Equation
The Dirac Equation
and the Free Field Einstein Equation
Lip enters the class and condescendingly interrupts, as he and the prof had an unsettled personal rift earlier that morning,
" [I]Orr...we could use the Scale Relativity Theory to explain the origin of how wave functions are generated.[/I]"
After a long uncomfortable pause the prof says,
"That's an option of course"
Lip quickly interrupts, " Yeah, uh' that's the standard. People stopped using field theory for this shit back in the 90's...which is a..'bout when you started pickling your frontal cortex with scotch."
Prof thinks for a moment and says, " Both ways of reconciling wave functions are perfectly valid"
Lip, " Nope. Uh I mean not any know you should read up on it." Lip smirks and puts cigarette in his mouth, " Maybe you'll learn something."
The Professor takes Lip to the hall and they argue hardcore like they did last episode, but they made up with each other last time. This time it looks like it could be the end of this turbulent relationship of student and teacher. Wait' didn't Lip just come out of another turbulent relationship with his anthropology professor...
Well we all know that the characters of Shameless are difficult to analyze, but perhaps we can attempt to see if the Professor is right or is Lip right, or are they both right. And also, can we see from our findings if this can somehow benefit my/the ( the narcissist in me,sorry) all new musical instrument science of MEMMIS ( Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Musical-Instrument-Systems).
First of all today I feel like a character from Shameless. Going on little sleep and so this robs my brain power. I shall continue this later, but do feel free to comment away:-)
Posted by paulrjacobs at 1:43 PM
originally posted Saturday,March 28th 2015...I accidentally deleted all posts 5/31/20) [[ new comments welcomed ]]
Electronic organs inside and out!: Measurement of the Electromagnetic Properties of E...
Electronic organs inside and out!: Measurement of the Electromagnetic Properties of E...: Found an article regarding high tech measuring systems for determining the electromagnetic properties of electric guitar electromagnetic wir...
Related topic- ( I have copied this word for word- My YAHOO ANSWERS QUESTION, with credit to the two respondents Markus Imhof and jimmymae2000 ).
Related topic- ( I have copied this word for word- My YAHOO ANSWERS QUESTION, with credit to the two respondents Markus Imhof and jimmymae2000 ).
Can magnetic core memories be used to process audio signals?
This question is in relation to another question I asked previously -
"Does magnetic flux density have a measurable tonal characteristic in audio?"
(feel free to answer this as well if you'd like to, plus it explains why I am interested in the possible use of this technology. Just click my name to see my other question on my page)
So, THIS question is-
Can magnetic core memories be used to process audio signals?
Question expanded is, Can magnetic core memories be used to process audio signals in terms of voltage throughput, and if so is it possible to control the adjacent magnetic flux behavior of a single 'stream' or path of throughput (audio path) voltage stream by using the nearby and directly adjacent core groupings?
If you know what I am driving at here then give me a sign:)
My purpose for researching this has entirely to do with gaining a better understanding of magnetic flux behavior as it relates to audio. I am working toward something big for audio that I'd rather not go into detail about, but it relates to how MEMS can be integrated with analog and digital components to achieve a far superior tone generation resource for music and audio HIFI playback systems using digital purely for controls and data storage and acquisition.
"Does magnetic flux density have a measurable tonal characteristic in audio?"
(feel free to answer this as well if you'd like to, plus it explains why I am interested in the possible use of this technology. Just click my name to see my other question on my page)
So, THIS question is-
Can magnetic core memories be used to process audio signals?
Question expanded is, Can magnetic core memories be used to process audio signals in terms of voltage throughput, and if so is it possible to control the adjacent magnetic flux behavior of a single 'stream' or path of throughput (audio path) voltage stream by using the nearby and directly adjacent core groupings?
If you know what I am driving at here then give me a sign:)
My purpose for researching this has entirely to do with gaining a better understanding of magnetic flux behavior as it relates to audio. I am working toward something big for audio that I'd rather not go into detail about, but it relates to how MEMS can be integrated with analog and digital components to achieve a far superior tone generation resource for music and audio HIFI playback systems using digital purely for controls and data storage and acquisition.
0 following
2 answers
Best Answer: When you say 'tone generation', are you talking about DAC or amplifier?
In any case - that answer to your question will depend on the internal structure of your 'magnetic core memory'. The only magnetic core memories I remember went out of fashion with the invention of the RAM and ROM cells and field effect transistors, so you'll need to be a bit more specific.
Usually, though, memory systems are built to minimize the effects between adjacent memory cells, sou you'll be looking at low-level side effects.
Otherwise, you seem to be talking about either hall effect or field effect transistors.
As to your other question about magnetic flux density and tonal characterisitics - that depends on how you set up the connection between the magnetic flux and the audio (which is, after all, just moving air). As long as you keep within the linear part of the magnetization curves of whatever material you are talking about, there should be no influence on the tonal characteristics. Leave the linear region, ad the influences can become quite drastic - as usual.
If you want to go deeper, dig into the design of valve amplifier output transformers.
In any case - that answer to your question will depend on the internal structure of your 'magnetic core memory'. The only magnetic core memories I remember went out of fashion with the invention of the RAM and ROM cells and field effect transistors, so you'll need to be a bit more specific.
Usually, though, memory systems are built to minimize the effects between adjacent memory cells, sou you'll be looking at low-level side effects.
Otherwise, you seem to be talking about either hall effect or field effect transistors.
As to your other question about magnetic flux density and tonal characterisitics - that depends on how you set up the connection between the magnetic flux and the audio (which is, after all, just moving air). As long as you keep within the linear part of the magnetization curves of whatever material you are talking about, there should be no influence on the tonal characteristics. Leave the linear region, ad the influences can become quite drastic - as usual.
If you want to go deeper, dig into the design of valve amplifier output transformers.
Markus Imhof · 1 year ago
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No, the magnetic flux takes the form of an S shaped Hysterysis loop. Digital only.Report Abuse
It's been a while since I asked this question and I really appreciate the answers. They have helped me tremendously. In my question and statements I didn't really get into the intended purpose for using magnetic core memory in an audio related circuit. Markus pointed out that by staying in the linear part of the magnetization curves there should be no influence on tonal characteristics. And that leaving the region could have a drastic effect. My goal is to better replicate the much desired tonal characteristics found in discrete transistor and vacuum tube circuitry of electronic, electromagnetic, and electrostatic Musical Instrument tone generation circuitry ( analog electronic organs and synthesizers).
FET's ( field effect transistors) in guitar amplifier designs are a good example of one such method for better replicating vacuum tube characteristics, but without the bulk, heat, power consumption, fragility, and expense of physical vacuum tubes. FET's are close, but no cigar when it comes to precisely achieving the same tone, overload clipping (desirable in tubes for guitar,organ), and dynamic response of a real tube. However, FET's brought to music their own unique variations on these particular desirable qualities even if they weren't ideal substitutes.
As a musician with 38 years playing electric guitar ( AMPLIFIERS with tubes, transistors, and a modeled versions which are sub par in person), and 18 years now playing electric TONE GENERATOR based organs ( Hammond discrete tone wheel, Wurlitzer electrostatic reed, Conn fully vacuum tube, Gulbransen Master oscillator IC , and Hammond discrete transistor), I have a deep understanding of what makes for a great sound in terms of tone and response. Bottom line is that in a live situation where the musician relies on the most minute detail of their 'sound' as much as the obvious details ( actually minute details EVEN MORE because these are what inspire and push the rest of the music) emulation falls short. Now you might beg to differ. Most engineers do, but fact is that the better products were those in which real musicians were brought in during R&D and stayed throughout the engineering. The best example of this is the Hammond X66 organ. Musicians were given full credit for it's sound and features due to their constant involvement. Also the cabinet design was an art contest in which the winners were given very top awards for it's very unique highly futuristic, yet timeless appearance.
At any rate, I seem to be the only person I know of that is doing what he can to take tone generation to the next level, realizing the great importance of taking advantage of the organic nature of what makes for a perfect tone and bringing it accurately as a PARTICIPANT in the field of microelectromechanical, electromagnetic, and electrostatic systems for serious professional musical instrument technology.paulj0557-vacuum cleaner expert · 1 sec ago
Posted by paulrjacobs at 10:01 PM
originally posted Sunday, June 8th 2014...I accidentally deleted all posts 5/31/20) [[ new comments welcomed ]]
Measurement of the Electromagnetic Properties of Electric Guitar Pickups
Found an article regarding high tech measuring systems for determining the electromagnetic properties of electric guitar electromagnetic wire wound 6-pole, bar pick-ups in all configurations- single coil, humbucker, stacked, passive active, low-imp, hi-imp. etc. here- file:///C:/Users/paul/Downloads/Electric_Guitar_Pickup_Measurements.pdf
As I mentioned earlier in this blog my work- MEMMIS TECH is a new study for Micro-Electro-mechanical Musical Instrument Systems.
I have found the work done by Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL in the above link to the article of which I have titled this blog page to be a thorough attempt at measuring the electromagnetic properties of electric guitar pick-ups. I will study his methods in hopes of implementing his concepts in my own work which deviate from standard modus operandi.
As I mentioned earlier in this blog my work- MEMMIS TECH is a new study for Micro-Electro-mechanical Musical Instrument Systems.
I have found the work done by Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL in the above link to the article of which I have titled this blog page to be a thorough attempt at measuring the electromagnetic properties of electric guitar pick-ups. I will study his methods in hopes of implementing his concepts in my own work which deviate from standard modus operandi.
Posted by paulrjacobs at 5:57 PM
originally posted Wednesday February 5th 2014...I accidentally deleted all posts 5/31/20) [[ new comments welcomed ]]
Again, MEMS stands for Micro Electro Mechanical Systems , which is a known science. MEMMIS is an acronym that I came up with to describe MEMS applications for Musical Instruments. These systems can be amplified acoustic, electromagnetic,optical, pneumatic, liquid, electrostatic, or any combination of these systems, both passive, active, and or chemical. What is primary in a MEMS application is that there is an electro-mechanical element present at a microscopic level. So before we can dismiss MEMS as a resource for musical instrument technology, as well as possible high fidelity applications, we must first gain a strong understanding of it's possible practical uses. I am concerned primarily with the science of Organ Tone Generation. As in:
- Acoustic Pipe Organs
- Tone Wheel generators [(macro) electro-mechanical/electro-magnetic] ie. Hammond organ 35'-75'
- 'Keyed' or 'Free' Reed Tone Generators [(macro) electro-mechanical/electrostatic] ie. Everett & Wurlitzer
- Purely Electronic Tone generators [ vacuum tube, transistor, various synthetic A&D] ALL manufactures
So we can now add MEMMIS to this list. This is the logical 'next step' in the science of organ making. One nice thing about beginning the technology with the organ is that since the dawn of the very first primitive pipe organ, man has always discovered a technology unrelated to organs and then implemented this technology into a more refined and better sounding organ. Just think back to the first time you heard these words together- ALLEN COMPUTER ORGAN. I was at a thrift store seeking records to add to my collection when I came across this title-
- Acoustic Pipe Organs
- Tone Wheel generators [(macro) electro-mechanical/electro-magnetic] ie. Hammond organ 35'-75'
- 'Keyed' or 'Free' Reed Tone Generators [(macro) electro-mechanical/electrostatic] ie. Everett & Wurlitzer
- Purely Electronic Tone generators [ vacuum tube, transistor, various synthetic A&D] ALL manufactures
So we can now add MEMMIS to this list. This is the logical 'next step' in the science of organ making. One nice thing about beginning the technology with the organ is that since the dawn of the very first primitive pipe organ, man has always discovered a technology unrelated to organs and then implemented this technology into a more refined and better sounding organ. Just think back to the first time you heard these words together- ALLEN COMPUTER ORGAN. I was at a thrift store seeking records to add to my collection when I came across this title-
Allen Digital Computer Organ System 120 & 201 (Demonstration Lp Record)
I brought this record home after paying probably 90 cents ( the usual going rate for used LP's at the thrift), put it on the turn table, and in my usual routine I flipped the record sleeve over to read about what I was listening to...and noticed a date of 1973! My immediate reaction to hearing the organ was that this 'computer organ' must be computer controlled, but certainly not the tone generators! Well, I was wrong. Upon closer research I found that Rockwell approached Allen for a unique collaboration to using their new digital microprocessor integrated circuits as early as 1969! Rockwell wanted Allen to succeed with the 'Computer Organ' because it would represent a new pinnacle in high tech reliable digital performance that could be witnessed every Sunday by engineers world wide. The Allen MOS-1 organs sounded more like real pipe organs than anything sold up to that point that was not real pipes. The model 100 was introduced in 1971 and the 120 & 201 in 1973. So this was a very advanced science finding it's way into the organ field. We can be sure that it took years for the average player to really understand what a digital organ was. 'Digital' was not a household word until around 1995 except for digital clocks and watches. So to talk about a digital organ was gibberish to most ears.
So what has MEMS to do with music? What did digital MOS circuits have to do with music in 1971?
Lets expand our minds and visualize the possibilities.
Have a look at the following abstract here -
A micro electromagnetic generator for vibration energy harvesting
"Vibration energy harvesting is receiving a considerable amount of interest as a means for powering wireless sensor nodes. This paper presents a small (component volume 0.1 cm3, practical volume 0.15 cm3) electromagnetic generator utilizing discrete components and optimized for a low ambient vibration level based upon real application data. The generator uses four magnets arranged on an etched cantilever with a wound coil located within the moving magnetic field. Magnet size and coil properties were optimized, with the final device producing 46 µW in a resistive load of 4 kΩ from just 0.59 m s−2 acceleration levels at its resonant frequency of 52 Hz. A voltage of 428 mVrms was obtained from the generator with a 2300 turn coil which has proved sufficient for subsequent rectification and voltage step-up circuitry. The generator delivers 30% of the power supplied from the environment to useful electrical power in the load. This generator compares very favourably with other demonstrated examples in the literature, both in terms of normalized power density and efficiency."
So that's all for today, see if you can get a few parallels to the operation of the Hammond Tone Wheel Generator and a smaller electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting device.
Feel free to ask questions, make comments, and offer ideas and concepts regarding MEMMIS.
-Paul Jacobs
Posted by paulrjacobs at 8:35 PM
Thursday, January 30, 2014
(originally posted Thursday January 30th 2014...I accidentally deleted all posts 5/31/20)Thursday, January 30, 2014
There is a sound that is missing from the latest, and most accurate Hammond tone wheel organ imitators to date. What is that sound? Can everyone hear it? Or not hear it that is...
In a recent Youtube video I commented-
All of my summations of clones:
-if a vegi-burger could speak
-like a fat-free milkshake
- sounds like it's low in iron
- In a side by side test with a real Hammond C3, the Hammond SK2 really does sound identical, but with one vital ingredient missing. Upon closer comparison it came to me that what that ingredient was. It was the sound of magnetism itself! This has prompted me to investigate the possibility of recreating this very subdued, but apparently very necessary magnetic connection using a real electromagnetic transducer revolving in proximity to an electromagnetic pick-up. Do we need 91 of these? Of course not, but having three or four contrasting one another by set frequency ranges overlapping might work a little better."
Sometimes the simplest inventions are the best!
With that in mind lets consider a very simple multi-frequency tone wheel of sorts, but instead of this tone wheel being a steel disc with a wavy edge in the shape of a sine wave, picture a tone wheel with a magnetically conductive edge that similar to the ever changing surface of a speaker cone.
I really have no idea how to use social media to get people thinking on the same page when it comes to exploring what we as musicians want in terms of the best sounding Hammond clone imaginable. What can WE do to realize and materialize EVERYTHING we as musicians want to have available to us? But I picked up a book in regard to how to use social media to make change happen.
And then I directed them here to my very overlooked and forgotten about blog, but I certainly didn't think posting all of the following as a Youtube Comment on just one video was giving it the most justice. What sort of justice? The justice of a portable Hammond clone sounding as close to a real Hammond tone wheel organ as possible.
You know, sometimes the simplest inventions are the best!
I have been observing all of the feedback in regards to the various Hammond clones. Something interesting is that it is the abrasive arguments between the analog purists and the digital purists that has fueled me to want to please both sides. Since very few engineers seem to want to communicate about new and interesting avenues to explore in music electronics where the organ is concerned, I almost feel a certain responsibility to do it myself. I used to be the guy arguing on behalf of the real B3, but my narcissistic analog purist side began to tremble when I discovered the clones were getting better and better. So while still defending the virtues of analog I decided to at least open my ears a little more to where digital was going. Digital got better than good, it seems to have gotten great in just the past few years. But due to hardheaded attitudes of musicians there seems to be these two distinct camps of analog and digital. That's actually a good thing because it's usually the most stubborn who voice the best arguments for their side. A good motto is 'never compromise unless it's to come together for a greater common good'. Well, it's time to come together. Even something as ridiculously simple as a kitchen table creation might bring our camps together to a great common good.
Everyone likes to be a winner so the clear winner will be everyone who loves Hammond tone wheel organs and/or Hammond clones, but wants to really nail down that last 'sound of magnetism in motion' ingredient to allow ANY Hammond clone manufactured by anybody (including the NORD,KORG,3B,HAMMOND SK-1,XK-1, etc., and even older clones) to sound more authentic.
Many of you are confused by this whole topic because you don't understand what in the heck the sound of magnetism is. So if anyone who does understands wishes to expound on the topic please do so. Perhaps if I add that it is not necessarily 'magnetism' we are hearing, but the audible EFFECTS of the the magnetic relationship of the tone wheel on the magnetic pole in the pick-up. In the end, even if you aren't really sure what is taking place with this relationship you might still be able to fathom the possibility of such an audible relationship if you over exaggerate things a bit.
- The device should allow the line-out signal from any Hammond clone to pass through a revolving magnetic field device without altering the input frequencies in terms of pitch. In other words don't make a vibrato scanner. Think in terms of TONE WHEEL and PICK-UP, but instead of a single passive metallic tone wheel becoming an active player when it is rotated in front of a wire wound electromagnetic pick-up, what we are shooting for is a simple device that takes the entire clone wheel organ output signal and treats/exposes/converts (however YOU decide) to the physical properties of revolving electromagnetism. The output specs should either maintain the same specs as the original clone wheel specs unless they are even closer to the original Hammond tone wheel organ.
Already existing electromagnetic devices for inspiration can come from:
INPUT TRANSDUCER ( tank reverb, oil filled reverb,microphone,piezo pick-ups/buzzer)
SPEAKERS ( both electromagnetic field coil, and rare earth stationary magnetic )
MAGNAPAN SPEAKERS (ie. Magnaplaner Smg1, look at how/why they work)
HEADPHONES ( take full advantage of the possibilities contained within an old pair of earbuds...rare earth magnets in some)
STUDY HOW THE EFFECTS OF ONE DEVICE MIGHT APPLY TO THE OTHER. Laurens Hammond was a master of reuse! He created a Hammond tone wheel organ using his invention of the Synchronous Motor. He used clockwork mechanisms to deal cards in his automatic dealer bridge table. For 3D glasses he utilized treating two identical things ( our two eyes) with opposite colored lenses in order to filter out.
If you have any ideas or questions feel free to respond to this blog, or the Youtube video comments in the link-
In a recent Youtube video I commented-
All of my summations of clones:
-if a vegi-burger could speak
-like a fat-free milkshake
- sounds like it's low in iron
- In a side by side test with a real Hammond C3, the Hammond SK2 really does sound identical, but with one vital ingredient missing. Upon closer comparison it came to me that what that ingredient was. It was the sound of magnetism itself! This has prompted me to investigate the possibility of recreating this very subdued, but apparently very necessary magnetic connection using a real electromagnetic transducer revolving in proximity to an electromagnetic pick-up. Do we need 91 of these? Of course not, but having three or four contrasting one another by set frequency ranges overlapping might work a little better."
Sometimes the simplest inventions are the best!
With that in mind lets consider a very simple multi-frequency tone wheel of sorts, but instead of this tone wheel being a steel disc with a wavy edge in the shape of a sine wave, picture a tone wheel with a magnetically conductive edge that similar to the ever changing surface of a speaker cone.
I really have no idea how to use social media to get people thinking on the same page when it comes to exploring what we as musicians want in terms of the best sounding Hammond clone imaginable. What can WE do to realize and materialize EVERYTHING we as musicians want to have available to us? But I picked up a book in regard to how to use social media to make change happen.
And then I directed them here to my very overlooked and forgotten about blog, but I certainly didn't think posting all of the following as a Youtube Comment on just one video was giving it the most justice. What sort of justice? The justice of a portable Hammond clone sounding as close to a real Hammond tone wheel organ as possible.
You know, sometimes the simplest inventions are the best!
I have been observing all of the feedback in regards to the various Hammond clones. Something interesting is that it is the abrasive arguments between the analog purists and the digital purists that has fueled me to want to please both sides. Since very few engineers seem to want to communicate about new and interesting avenues to explore in music electronics where the organ is concerned, I almost feel a certain responsibility to do it myself. I used to be the guy arguing on behalf of the real B3, but my narcissistic analog purist side began to tremble when I discovered the clones were getting better and better. So while still defending the virtues of analog I decided to at least open my ears a little more to where digital was going. Digital got better than good, it seems to have gotten great in just the past few years. But due to hardheaded attitudes of musicians there seems to be these two distinct camps of analog and digital. That's actually a good thing because it's usually the most stubborn who voice the best arguments for their side. A good motto is 'never compromise unless it's to come together for a greater common good'. Well, it's time to come together. Even something as ridiculously simple as a kitchen table creation might bring our camps together to a great common good.
Everyone likes to be a winner so the clear winner will be everyone who loves Hammond tone wheel organs and/or Hammond clones, but wants to really nail down that last 'sound of magnetism in motion' ingredient to allow ANY Hammond clone manufactured by anybody (including the NORD,KORG,3B,HAMMOND SK-1,XK-1, etc., and even older clones) to sound more authentic.
Many of you are confused by this whole topic because you don't understand what in the heck the sound of magnetism is. So if anyone who does understands wishes to expound on the topic please do so. Perhaps if I add that it is not necessarily 'magnetism' we are hearing, but the audible EFFECTS of the the magnetic relationship of the tone wheel on the magnetic pole in the pick-up. In the end, even if you aren't really sure what is taking place with this relationship you might still be able to fathom the possibility of such an audible relationship if you over exaggerate things a bit.
- The device should allow the line-out signal from any Hammond clone to pass through a revolving magnetic field device without altering the input frequencies in terms of pitch. In other words don't make a vibrato scanner. Think in terms of TONE WHEEL and PICK-UP, but instead of a single passive metallic tone wheel becoming an active player when it is rotated in front of a wire wound electromagnetic pick-up, what we are shooting for is a simple device that takes the entire clone wheel organ output signal and treats/exposes/converts (however YOU decide) to the physical properties of revolving electromagnetism. The output specs should either maintain the same specs as the original clone wheel specs unless they are even closer to the original Hammond tone wheel organ.
Already existing electromagnetic devices for inspiration can come from:
INPUT TRANSDUCER ( tank reverb, oil filled reverb,microphone,piezo pick-ups/buzzer)
SPEAKERS ( both electromagnetic field coil, and rare earth stationary magnetic )
MAGNAPAN SPEAKERS (ie. Magnaplaner Smg1, look at how/why they work)
HEADPHONES ( take full advantage of the possibilities contained within an old pair of earbuds...rare earth magnets in some)
STUDY HOW THE EFFECTS OF ONE DEVICE MIGHT APPLY TO THE OTHER. Laurens Hammond was a master of reuse! He created a Hammond tone wheel organ using his invention of the Synchronous Motor. He used clockwork mechanisms to deal cards in his automatic dealer bridge table. For 3D glasses he utilized treating two identical things ( our two eyes) with opposite colored lenses in order to filter out.
If you have any ideas or questions feel free to respond to this blog, or the Youtube video comments in the link-
Posted by paulrjacobs at 6:20 PM
In the past several months I have come to grow even more fond of the organ. I have read Jesse Crawford's biography by Landon > Jesse Crawford Poet of the Organ; Wizard of the Mighty Wurlitzer. Here is a man who did not have an easy beginning. His mother had to give him up to an orphanage, but her dedication to him was never slighted. She found a way to get him the cornet he needed for his band and others noticed talents in him right away. He became proficient at leading musical troop and was discovered by a Priest who invited him to come lead a new boys band and live in his home and have full access to the piano. Something which thrilled him because at the orphanage the boys were kept away from the piano for fear they would carve their initials in it.
Jesse responded to an ad which stated the need for a traveling pianist who could double on horn. From there he landed a full time stationary theater position playing piano. He made a couple of lasting friends there and one encouraged Jesse to write melodies for his lyrics. Jesse also struck up a friendship with a local organist, Ned Douglas. One day Ned fell ill and asked Jesse if he could fill in for him on organ. He practiced all morning and played the show. Jesse almost immediately responded to the tone of the organ and not long after when Douglas quit he took over his position. While at the theater he was able to practice 7-8 hours a day before his shifts. One thing led to another and the theater cut back the organ music and relied on piano music played by automated piano rolls for much of the day due to financial problems, and eventually had to phase Jesse's position out entirely. He was poor during those months, but he was learning his craft and before long landed a full time gig paying an excellent weekly pay. In his off hours he went to watch another organist, Chauncy Haines. He would take his day off from the theater and travel several miles to go watch Mr. Haines play, sitting very close to him and absorbing everything he did. Soon Jesse was playing to larger audiences and it was at one performance that he noticed how a woman was reacting to his ballads and thius inspired him to investigate what it was about his technique that caused such a response. He soon developed his classic glissando roll, which became the theater organs most beloved effect.
Jesse began playing organ in 1911 it wasn't long after that he became acquainted with the all new Robert Hope Jones invention- the Theater Organ. Hope Jones designed an organ which could play all of the voices in the orchestra including percussion. Hope Jones is also accredited with inventing electro-pneumatic action ( allowing the organ console to be located anywhere since one wires were required to trigger the notes and tab (voice switch) settings. This action also allowed multiple settings to be saved for later retrieval ( which are called pre-sets and are the little round buttons located between the keyboards for easy access while playing). Hope Jones was also responsible for the theater organs most beautiful voice - the Tibia Clausa. As well as the Diaphone. Robert Hope Jones worked with Wurlitzer designing what would become the greatest theater organ made. Wurlitzer's name is synonymous with theater organs.
I highly recommend adding Jesse Crawfords organ music to your listening list. I recently discovered a good website which has many of his old radio programs. Also there is a great 1978 film which is now posted to Youtube which also features Jesse playing live, called ' Legendary Theater Organists '.
There is aslo a very cool Paranount film short about the Hammond Organ in that 78' film. Definitely check it out.
Also watch the hour long NBC biography program about theater organist / radio organist Rosa Rio . Just Youtube search ' Blair Rosa Rio '
Have a safe wonderful holiday. And watch for black ice.
PS- watch my Youtube playlist called - Organ Holiday Music
Posted by paulrjacobs at 5:33 PM
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